HCMC District 10

Good reviews

Bảo Nhi 0766925395
(Good review 2018 & 2019 - price : 700 VND)
Very well hung ladyboy, excellent performer in the room                                             
Needs more endurance and is complexed by her face look.

Added in 2022

Hạ Mây
old numbers  : 0889176045, 0792671406

Gia Linh  0337628205
old number : 0797098261 

Dona - Bé Vy 0933783913 0901422165
phone : 0933783913
old number : 0926377820

Trần Gia Hân 0796568307 

Như Ngọc 
old numbers : 0924125260, 0563151751

Jully Hey 0775850337 Sóc Trăng
previous : 0943417493 & 0827157504
From Sóc Trăng

Phạm Ngọc Khánh An 0896660912 

Added in 2021

Quỳnh - QuỳnhThao
Old numbers : 0392275452 / 0795995473

Quỳnh Như 0372814353

Ngoc Trân 
Old numbers : 0588111802, 0923911254, 0707166113 
Looks for a BF in An Giang and P4P customers when in HCMC D10

Kim Tú - Ngọc Vy - Cẩm Tú 
phone : 0867779437. 
Old numbers : 0348438767, 0898058834, 0867779437, 0833557066, 0794573496
also in Q7

Chinchin   Trâm Anh
old numbers : 0564322321, 0564322321, 0792516830 

Phone: 0567615775

Dương Ngọc Lan Anh 0705999932 
also in Q1 & Q7

Lâm Ngọc Ny
old number : 0793936645

Quỳnh - Băng Ami
old number : 0961536734

Added in 2020

Ny Ny - Mẫn Mẫn  0766604461
Worked as a waitress in a grill in D1. Needs money to support her parents.
Since the Covid, can be found hanging at night near the new subway station

An An - Ngọc Nhi 0814177989
old number : 0924805138

Jessie Ca Hung Dữ 0906676021 
(Moved to Thailand in 2022)

Hana Nguyên 0909541215
also in Bình Dương

Thư Jollie 0393115936
0879609624, 0924813671, 0865425898 , 0764427916

Ngọc Giang
old number : 0565562981

Could have been added to the black list due her aggressive behaviour during the blocus in 2021. 

Nhã Uyên - Quỳnh Nhi  0522149735
previous number : 0862910052

Tam Châu- Dory - Boi Nhii - Ngoc My 
old number : 0896967499

Trân Thỏ
old number : 0896404936, 0788574124
also in Q8

Gió Giác Hơi
old number : 0986982838

Vy Vy  0704986261

Nhi Cherry
old number : 0888292547

Added in 2019

old number : 0847766791

Envy and her friends
