HCMC District 7


Added in 2022

Bảo Hân 0828426026
Phone : 0945179633 Old zalo number : 0907235837

Lâm Quỳnh Nhi / Bé  Bii 
Phone : 0369186004  Old number : 0964208087

Added in 2021

Phạm Ngọc Linh 0939591643
(Extra cost if not in D7)

Kim Tú / Ngọc Vy / Cẩm Tú
phone : 0867779437. 
Old numbers : 0348438767, 0898058834, 0867779437, 0833557066, 0794573496
also in Q10

Mỹ Chi  
phone : 0825832834
Plenty of other numbers (with ladyboys new owners 0336447956, 01259490807, 0347649790 , 0348438767 Phone : 0941921468, 01276377788, 0825832834, 0878565376,0336447956,0907069403.
Also in Bình Thạnh

Juli Pham - Tường Vy 0846270770

Anna   0343257454 (Phone & Zalo)   
Old numbers 0843576743, 0703807624

Bùi Mỹ Phương  (Cà Mau & Q7)

Thiên Hy /  Lục Anh  - 0786503069
Old numbers : 0584421774, 
01253413592, 0522611703, 0838283470, 0522848525   
Phone : 

Vy Vy (3) - Khan Vy 0938449787

Dương Ngọc Lan Anh 0705999932 
Also in Q1 & Q10

Added in 2020

Ny Ny 0766604461
Worked as a waitress in a grill in D1. Needs money to support her parents.
Since the Covid, can be found hanging at night near the new subway station

Ly 0938037118 / 0907161110 (Ông Lão)
Travels a lot ( Cần Thơ, Hà Nội, Đà Lạt)

Thanh Trùc 0778534903

Linh Nhi
Old number : 0925496241
Also in D1

Man Nhi 0398818849, 0859614783
Came back with new numbers but had an agressive attitude. Could have been added to the black list. 

Added in 2019

Ngọc 0906760605
Works in a mall to take care of customers' children.
Looking for a lifetime love. Wants to introduce her friend to her family first 
